Call for Tutorials

IJCAI 2025 invites proposals for the Tutorial Track. Tutorials will be held immediately before the technical conference.  Tutorial attendance is complimentary for all IJCAI 2025 conference registrants; those not registered for the main conference can access the tutorials by paying a tutorial registration fee.


Tutorials should serve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Introduce novices to major topics within AI.
  • Introduce expert non-specialists to an AI area.
  • Motivate and explain a topic of emerging importance for AI.
  • Survey a mature area of AI research or practice.
  • Educate experts or non-experts on established but specialized AI methodologies.
  • Present novel synthesis conceptualizations or methods that combine distinct lines of AI research.
  • Introduce AI audiences to an external topic that can motivate or use AI research.
  • Mentor AI researchers (particularly junior researchers) on a broad AI-relevant non-technical topic (examples could be AI jobs or ethical issues in AI).

Tutorials are intended to cover reasonably well-established information in a balanced way. Tutorials should not be used to advocate a single avenue of research, nor should they promote a product. We welcome tutorials with interactive elements but recognize this may not be appropriate to all topics in AI. We also welcome tutorials on topical subjects, particularly social or industrial implications, such as privacy, security, fairness, or ethics in AI.

Key Dates

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: March 28, 2025 (Friday)
  • Acceptance Notification: April 18, 2025 (Friday)
  • Abstract and Tutorial Website Deadline: May 6, 2025 (Tuesday)
  • Tutorials held: TBD

Note: all deadlines are at 11:59 PM Anytime on the Earth (AoE).

Submission Instructions

Tutorial proposals can be submitted via by choosing “Tutorials” in the drop-down menu. Proposals must be submitted as a single PDF file containing the following information:

  • A two-sentence tutorial description that is suitable for inclusion in the conference registration brochure.
  • A two-paragraph tutorial description that is suitable for a web page overview.
  • Proposed length of the tutorial: 1/4 day, 1/2 day or full day (consisting of one, two or four 1:45h slots, respectively).
  • A detailed, point-form outline of the tutorial.
  • A brief characterization of the potential target audience for the tutorial, including prerequisite knowledge.
  • A brief description of why the tutorial topic should interest a substantial part of the IJCAI audience and which of the above objectives are best served by the tutorial.
  • A brief explanation of ethical concerns (if any) related to the tutorial topic and how the tutorial plans to address these ethical concerns in the tutorial content.
  • A brief CV of the presenter(s) should include the following:
    • Name, work address, phone number, and e-mail address.
    • Education and work experience.
    • Background in the tutorial area, including publications/presentations.
    • Citation to an available example of work in the area (ideally, a published tutorial-level article or presentation materials on the subject).
    • Evidence of scholarship in AI or Computer Science.
    • Teaching experience, if available (courses taught, previous tutorials presented).

Any questions about the tutorial program should be directed to the tutorial chair. Flora Salim and Quanming Yao at the following address: