Call for Papers — AI4Tech: AI Enabling Critical Technologies

We invite your original quality submissions to the IJCAI 2025 Special Track on AI4Tech: AI Enabling Critical Technologies. The AI4Tech Track aims to consolidate and promote advanced AI transforming critical new- and next-generation technologies.

About AI4Tech

Complementing AI for Science (AI4Science), AI for technologies (AI4Tech) refers to the synergy between AI and technologies, where AI meets, enables and transforms technologies over domains, time, and generations. This AI4Tech ecosystem has been intensified with the advancement of ubiquitous AI paradigms (X-AI), in particular, human-like, generative, decentralized, humanoid, metaverse, behavioral, emotional, analytical and multimodal AI. Such AI advances further transform and translate critical technologies that cannot be addressed by non-AI methodologies and technologies, going beyond direct applications of AI to specific domains. Over the AI history, the roles of AI4Tech have been increasingly augmented towards developing and advancing critical, new- and next-generation technological ecosystems.

AI4Tech synergizes AI and technologies for both general and domain-specific purposes and areas. The general AI4Tech ecosystem incorporates human intelligence, natural intelligence, social intelligence etc into developing new technologies, such as AI chips, AI agents, AI robots, AI drones, AI computers, AI vehicles, AI personal assistants, AI web systems, AI medicine, and AI office software. Domain-specific AI4Tech ecosystem encompasses X-AI to specific domains and applications, driving domain-specific technologies. As a result, AI4Tech has spanned over a wide spectrum of domain-specific AI4Tech areas, such as AI for health (AI4Health or HealthAI), AI for medicine (AI4Medicine, AI4Med, or MedAI), AI for biology (AI4Biology, AI4Bio, or BioAI) AI for finance (AI4Finance, AI4Fin, or FinAI), AI for banking (AI4Banking, AI4Bank, or BankAI), AI for payment (AI4Payment, AI4Pay, or PayAI), AI for manufacturing (AI4Manufacturing, AI4Manu, or ManuAI), AI for transport (AI4Transport, AI4Trans, or TransAI), AI for agriculture (AI4Agriculture, AI4Agri, or AgriAI), AI for smart city (AI4City or CityAI), AI for arts (AI4Arts or ArtsAI), AI for security (AI4Security, AI4Secure, or SecureAI), and AI for regulation (AI4Regulation, AI4Reg, or RegAI).

Topics of Interest

The IJCAI 2025 Special Track on AI4Tech: AI Enabling Critical Technologies aims to promote the development and demonstrations of both general and domain-specific AI4Tech ecosystems and focus on critical, new- and next-generation AI4Tech. Original and significant theoretical and technical submissions satisfying the following are welcome:

  • Emerging AI4Tech theories, methods and systems enabled by human-like, natural and social AI and intelligence
  • Advanced AI4Tech theories, methods and systems enabling generative, decentralized, humanoid, metaverse, behavioral, emotional, and multimodal AI and intelligent technical systems and services
  • General AI4Tech theories, systems and software, such as original and significant advances for AI agents, AI robots, AI drones, AI chips, AI computers, AI personal assistants, AI vehicles, AI web systems, AI medicine, and AI office software
  • Domain-specific AI4Tech methods and significant applications, such as advancing AI4Manufacturing, AI4Health, AI4Care, AI4Medicine, AI4Finance, AI4Economy, AI4Transport, AI4Agriculture, AI4Grain, AI4Social, AI4Security, AI4Safety and AI4Regulation
  • Visionary surveys, reviews, and expert opinions on critical, new- and next-generation AI4Tech; and
  • Sound and visionary discussion on emerging AI4Tech areas and research.

This special track is NOT on AI applications, rather focusing on promoting AI-enabled original, significant and critical general technologies and domain-focused technologies. Therefore, submissions only applying AI to specific problems and domains but without original, significant AI4Tech developments may be desk rejected.


Research papers are submitted with the same format and following all the Submission Requirements described in general instructions as for the main conference ( Papers are expected to satisfy the highest scientific standards as submissions to the main track of IJCAI 2025 and satisfy double-blind review conditions. Double submissions to the special track and main conference are not allowed. There will be no phase 1 notification and author rebuttal.

Submit your research paper here: by choosing the track named ‘AI4Tech: AI Enabling Critical Technologies’.

Accepted research papers will be included in the IJCAI 2025 proceedings.


Participation in the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must participate in the conference at Montreal and present the work. We are looking forward to the community meeting in person. Authors who possess evidence indicating their inability to obtain visas for Canada may submit a request to to participate in the satellite event in Guangzhou. Papers not presented in person, whether at the main conference in Montreal or the satellite event in Guangzhou, will be excluded from the proceedings unless one of the authors provides notification of exceptional circumstances to IJCAI via Any such exceptional circumstances must receive prior approval from IJCAI.

Important Dates 

(All times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth, UTC-12)

  • Paper submission deadline: 11 Feb., 2025
  • Paper notification: 28 Apr., 2025

Track Chairs

Longbing Cao, Macquarie University, Australia
Qiang Yang, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, China
Usama Fayyad, Northeastern University, USA


Also refer to AI4Tech.Org for additional information on AI4Tech. All enquiries about this special track on AI4Tech must be sent to